ATA conducts research on AfCFTA Protocol on Investment Gap Analysis in Ghana

This week, Africa Trade Academy’s Chief Executive, Dode Seidu, leading a research on the Gap Analysis of Ghana’s Investment Frameworks and the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment, conducted a two-day stakeholder engagement and Capacity Building workshop with over 40 stakeholder institutions/groups.

The workshop had opening remarks by Dr. Fareed Arthur, Coordinator, National AfCFTA Coordination Office and Mr. Simon Madjie, Chief Executive of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, both highlighting the critical role of foreign direct investments in Africa’s development and the centrality of intra-Africa investments to back AfCFTA implementation.

The workshop had presentations on Ghana’s Investment regimes by Naa Lamely Orleans-Lindsay of Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, followed a presentation on Africa’s and Ghana’s FDI trends and key drivers by Derrick Abudu of ODI Global.

This was followed by a presentation on the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment by Ms. Rose Ngeno of the AfCFTA Secretariat focusing on the key obligations of the Protocol on State Parties and Investors.

Dode Seidu presented the a comparative analysis on Ghana’s Investment Regime and the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment.
His presentation focused on the existing Investment regimes and identified gaps for further action.

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